Timeless Tellico Foundation
To fund new and enhance existing recreation and amenity facilities, programs, and equipment in partnership with private and corporate donors and the POA for the benefit of the greater Tellico Village Community.
Under the leadership of POA Parks and Recreation Director Simon Bradbury, Timeless Tellico Foundation, Inc., (TTF) first came to life in 2018 to support and enhance the Tellico Village active lifestyle. Founding documents were filed and approved by the TVPOA Board, the first board of directors was formed, and initial plans for naming rights, procedures, and purpose were defined. Legacy Parks Foundation in Knoxville served as the conduit for tax deductible donations while TTF was awaiting 501c3 approval from the IRS. These formative stages of development served as a solid foundation for success when TTF achieved independent 501c3 non-profit status in May of 2020.
The TTF Charter is to make our Village more attractive, vibrant, and valuable for existing and future residents. It is not a substitute for the POA investing in planned and budgeted needs. It does provide a mechanism to help us develop recreation amenities and programs better and faster through private funding donations that will bring lasting value to our entire community.
Dear Friends of the Foundation,
Thank you.
On behalf of the TTF Directors, thank you for your interest shown by visiting our new Timeless Tellico Foundation website. We hope that you will find it interesting and informative.
Thank you for your participation in and support of the active lifestyle we enjoy here in Tellico Village.
Thank you for being willing to share your time, talent, and treasure to ensure that the Foundation fulfills its mission of building new and enhancing existing recreation amenities to inspire that healthy lifestyle.
This is our legacy. The benefits will be realized not only by us, but by future generations of Villagers. The results are truly timeless.
The Pickleplex is a monument to what we can achieve … together. Athletic Trainers and The Kayak Launch at Clear Creek are shining examples of how partnerships can make great ideas come to life. Our friends and neighbors blaze meandering hiking trails, create pocket parks, and construct educational kiosks to be visited by not only our boots, but those of our children, grandchildren, and countless wanderers who will follow.
Current and future projects include partnering with the Parks and Recreation Department to support the Greenspace Initiative, sponsoring the Warriors at Ease program for our Veterans and First Responders, exploring the possibility of an outdoor entertainment and recreation facility at the Yacht Club, and seeking ways that we can work together to enhance the future golf amenity at Tanasi.
Completed and future projects are not the accomplishments of the Foundation Board alone. All those like you who nurture an idea and commit to seeing it through to completion ARE the Foundation.
So, thank you. For being the Foundation. For creating our legacy. For embodying the spirit of Tellico Village. I can’t wait to see what we do next … together!

Why was this Foundation Created?
One of the top concerns voiced by residents in the Long Range Planning focus groups was the need for new facilities, programs and equipment. The POA does a great job of funding amenities in the village, but to create new facilities and programs or to enhance existing ones, we offer the opportunity for residents to help realize those dreams. These donations enhance, but do not replace POA funds.
How is the Foundation governed?
The Foundation board is made up of volunteer Directors who have the future of Tellico Village in their hearts and minds. All founding members were interviewed by the Recreation Committee and then approved by the POA.
Who oversees the money in the Foundation?
How Does the Board Determine Which Projects They Will Fund?
Do donors have control over how the project is completed?
Your Why does the POA have to approve any projects? oes Here
How can I make a donation to Timeless Tellico?
Gold Sponsors

Grant Chapman started in the Medicare field after seeing what his parents went through to help other people and simplify their lives.
His goal is finding the BEST Medicare plan option, being totally objective in helping to find the plan that best fits the individual needs and specific circumstances of each client.
He has been working in the Medicare field for over 20 years and knows the full breadth of products available in our area.
149 Kelsey Lane, Unit 204 | Lenoir City, TN 37771 865.403.0744 | grant@mymedicareguy.com

You can text or call any of the RE/MAX EXCELS agents anytime for a complimentary, no obligation current market analysis of your property.
200 Lakeview Plaza | Loudon, TN 37774
865.414.3601 | RemaxTellico@gmail.com
Silver Sponsors

Comprehensive Financial Services
The Cagle Cross Group believes that good client relationships are built through teamwork and client involvement, delivered through our advisors, client associates and access to the global resources of Merrill. Our goal is to be your primary source for financial advice and guidance. We want you to value the dedication and diligence we provide at each step of the wealth management process.
Major Corporate Donors
Grant Chapman, Owner
149 Kelsey Lane, Unit 204
Lenoir City, TN 37771
Phone: 865.403.0744
Email: grant@mymedicareguy.com
Jim Davis, Real Estate Broker
200 Lakeview Plaza
Loudon, TN 37774
httpss://excels-loudon-tn.remax.com Phone 865.414.3601
Email: RemaxTellico@gmail.com
Creative Hardscapes, LLC
Sam Smith, Owner
Cobblestone Pavers for Driveways and Pool Decks; Segmented Retaining Walls https://www.creativehardscapestn.com Phone: 865.766.7868
Tennessee Orthopaedic Clinics
Kaitlin Blankenship, Athletic Trainer Tellico Village
Loudon, TN 37774
Phone: 865.690.4861
Email: BlankenshipK@tocdocs.com
Citizens Insurance Solutions
Heather Majka, Owner
201 Cheeyo Trace, Loudon, TN 37774
Phone: 800.485.3785
Email: heather@citins.com
Foundation Partners:
Tellico Village Pickleball Club
Tellico Village Property Owners Association