completed project
Clear Creek Kayak Launch
completed project
Pickleball Courts at Wellness Center
It was a true team effort by The Pickleball Club and its members, naming rights proceeds, corporate donors, and the contribution of unrestricted funds from the Foundation, plus an in-kind donation of material and labor for the Pickleplex Plaza to cover the costs for the design and construction of four pickleball courts at the Wellness Center. Total funds expended: $232,557.
The Tellico Village POA provided the roof to cover the courts. The Foundation will add another $8,000 in 2023 to complete the Pickleplex Wall of Fame honoring the sponsors and donors.
completed project
Tennessee Orthopaedics Clinic Athletic Trainer
completed project
Trail Kiosks at Wellness Center and Kahite
These projects were funded through unrestricted general fund donations and proceeds from the sale of naming rights. Funds expended – $7,181
ongoing project
Parks & Recreation Department Greenspace Initiative
ongoing project
Warriors At Ease
Warriors at Ease utilizes yoga and meditation to support health, resiliency, post-traumatic growth, and connection with other community veterans and first responders. The program was designed in response to the success of studies from Walter Reed Army Medical Center as well as VA (Veterans Affairs) medical centers in Washington D.C.
We are honored to have an advisory group of distinguished veterans and active first responders from Tellico Village working together to assist in designing the program specifically for us. Our advisory group consists of Bill Butera, Kevin Kuklok, Shawn Tallant, Rick Creange, and Brad Ward.
The first series of classes will be held at the Chota Recreation Center on Fridays from 8:15 am – 9:00 am starting December 1st and running

2024 and beyond
future projects
- Golf Range/Academy
- Tanasi Golf Clubhouse
- Entertainment and Recreation Amenity (Yacht Club)
The Foundation is now working to build our general fund with the goal of an annual grant cycle.
The TTF Board will consider any projects which support the active lifestyle in Tellico Village. Our focus is on building or expanding new and enhancing existing amenities (think bigger and better).
Current and future projects include partnering with the Parks and Recreation Department to support the Greenspace Initiative, sponsoring the Warriors at Ease program for our Veterans and First Responders, exploring the possibility of an outdoor entertainment and recreation facility at the Yacht Club, and seeking ways that we can work together to enhance the future golf amenity at Tanasi.

let us know your thoughts
The Foundation is always ready to entertain suggestions from residents for projects which will benefit the greater Tellico Village community. Please contact us and share your ideas!