On any given day here, you will find folks meeting to play pickleball or golf, enjoy a walk or hike on one of our many trails, attend an exercise class, or swim a few laps in an outdoor or indoor pool. This is the active lifestyle we enjoy at Tellico Village!
Under the leadership of POA Parks and Recreation Director Simon Bradbury, Timeless Tellico Foundation, Inc., (TTF) first came to life in 2018 to support and enhance that active lifestyle. Founding documents were filed and approved by the TVPOA Board, the first board of directors was formed, and initial plans for naming rights, procedures, and purpose were defined. Legacy Parks Foundation in Knoxville served as the conduit for tax deductible donations while TTF was awaiting 501(c)(3) approval from the IRS. These formative stages of development served as a solid foundation for success when TTF achieved independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit status in May 2020.
As a nonprofit corporation, the TTF mission is to fund new, and enhance existing recreation and amenity facilities, programs, and equipment in partnership with private and corporate donors, and the POA for the benefit of the greater Tellico Village Community. The TTF Charter is to make our Village more attractive, vibrant, and valuable for existing and future residents. It is not a substitute for the POA investing in planned and budgeted needs. It does provide a mechanism to help us develop amenities and programs through private funding donations that will bring lasting value to our entire community.
We are fortunate to be in a community that encourages active involvement of our residents. TTF is overseen by a volunteer Board of Directors accountable for the financial well-being of the organization including capital assets, operating budgets, fund-raising, and endowments.
When the TTF Board is presented with an idea that fits with the overall future plans for the Village and is approved the POA Board, we will work with the proposing individuals or groups to fine tune the project; determine the funding required; solicit corporate and private donations; and provide a grant to the POA for project completion. All funds designated by donors for specific projects are applied according to the donor’s wishes.

The current 2024 Board Members are:
Carla Johnson (President), Pete Kilmartin (Vice President), Dennis Stoner (Treasurer), Gary Mulliner, Annette Schmidt, Simon Bradbury (POA Director of Parks and Recreation), and Bob Brunetti (POA Board President). (Insert Bd picture from Lisa McCray)
Timeless Tellico Foundation amenities and programs funded and completed include:
- EZ Dock Floating Kayak Launch at the Clear Creek Boat Launch. This is an excellent example of creating alliances and partnering with TVPOA, Tennessee Valley Authority, (TVA), Tellico Reservoir Development Agency (TRDA) and others
- Tellico Village covered pavilion Pickleball Complex that has served as an attraction for many tournaments and fundraising events in the Village
- Naming rights donations for benches, flagpoles, and trails throughout the Village
- Funding for the Tennessee Orthopedic Clinic’s athletic trainer at the Wellness Center
- Installation of trail kiosks at the Wellness Center and refurbishment of the kiosks at Kahite
- Ongoing support of the Parks and Recreation Greenspace Initiative through wildflower planting, trail maps, and more
- Yoga mats purchased for the participants of Warriors at Ease, an internationally acclaimed wellness program now available for Tellico Villagers who are veterans and active military personnel, first responders, police officers, or firefighters
Other notable completed events are the Fundraising Galas held at the Yacht Club in January 2022 and March 2023.
The TTF Board is looking forward to continuing our support of the Parks and Recreation Greenspace Initiative and the Warriors at Ease program in 2024.
Volunteer opportunities are available now, and we are recruiting committee members to prepare for 2024 Spring Gala. We invite you to join with the Foundation in our efforts to support the active lifestyle in Tellico Village!